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Agribusiness Study Program

UIN Jakarta Reveals Chronology of 8 Students Participating in Ferienjobs in Germany
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UIN Jakarta Reveals Chronology of 8 Students Participating in Ferienjobs in Germany

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is one of the universities that sends its students to internships (ferienjobs) in Germany. A total of eight students from the Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) took part in the program in October-December 2023. In a press statement issued by UIN Jakarta, it is collaborating with Binawan University in sending students. Because, the university has already held this program in 2022. Information about ferienjobs was conveyed several times by asking speakers from Binawan University. This is so that students are free to ask questions and obtain clearer information.  

The Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Jakarta, also asks interested students to dig up information related to this program from other trusted sources. In addition, the faculty conveys program information directly to parents regarding the program profile, benefits and risks that participants must bear. Then, the faculty carries out internal selection, especially for students who will enter the seventh semester and base line English as their communication capital while in Germany. "The participation of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta through Binawan University processing is carried out while complying with procedural steps and compliance with legal aspects and costs for document preparation, including German language preparation, students' readiness for the culture and social environment in Germany, working life, work ethic, and life in the residence/apartment," wrote the press statement quoted from the page uinjkt.ac.id, Monday, April 1 2024. There were eight students from the UIN Faculty of Science and Technology who finally passed the selection. Students already know more or less where they will be placed.

The Faculty of Science and Technology at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta also carries out comprehensive checks on students' preparations for passing the selection in terms of physical readiness, logistics, etc. This is necessary so that participating students do not experience problems while in Germany. 

"Regarding the MBKM Program, please note that all students who depart are VII semester students who have completed all their lectures and are left to write their thesis. Therefore, this activity does not follow the MBKM Program scheme," wrote the press statement. However, he hopes that students can write a thesis based on their internship experience in Germany. At the same time, gain international experience for future academic and career advancement. During the program, the Faculty of Science and Technology at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, through the Chair of the Agribusiness Study Program, formed a team to monitor students through the WA Group. Coordination and monitoring of participating students is also carried out via telephone and zoom while they are taking part in the program in Germany. The team also continues to coordinate with Binawan University to anticipate problems that could arise at any time. Regarding the obstacles and constraints faced by participating students while in Germany, the team from the Faculty of Science and Technology at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta always tries to coordinate with Binawan University so that they can condition support according to student needs.

From December 2023 to January 2024, students participating in ferienjobs in Germany will gradually complete the program in accordance with the contract. All of them returned to Indonesia safely and are now completing their respective studies. The Faculty of Science and Technology at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta then held a program evaluation on January 17 2024. All students involved were invited. "In the report made by the students and presented in front of all program evaluation participants, it can be seen that they had a positive experience while participating in the program," wrote the press statement. UIN Jakarta admitted that it was very surprised and concerned regarding the news that the FerienJob program to Germany was suspected of being related to the Crime of Human Trafficking (TPPO). His party will fully support this case to be resolved according to applicable regulations. UIN Jakarta is also committed to fully following the policies of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) regarding future working holiday activities. "And henceforth we will not participate in this program until the evaluation results are in accordance with the applicable regulations," wrote UIN Jakarta. (source: https://www.medcom.id/pendidikan/news-pendidikan/eN456e7b-uin-jakarta- reveal-chronology-8-students-joining-ferienjob-in-Germany)