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Agribusiness Study Program

Studium General “Messy Export Import Problems in Indonesia”
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Studium General “Messy Export Import Problems in Indonesia”

The Master's Study Program and the Agribusiness Bachelor's Study Program held Studium General activities with the theme "The Mess of Export and Import Problems in Indonesia" The Master's Study Program and the Undergraduate Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Jakarta successfully held Studium General activities in the Theater Room, Floor. 2 Faculty of Science and Technology on Monday, June 24 2024 by inviting resource person Mr. Yeka Husni Fatika, SP. from the Indonesian OMBUDSMAN institution for the 2021 - 2026 period.
The Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Mr. Husni Teja Sukmana, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D welcomed the Studium General activities organized by the Agribusiness Study Program. “Today's activity really implements agribusiness problems in Indonesia. "The hope is that students will have additional knowledge about the import-export system, especially agricultural commodities in Indonesia," said Mr. Husni Teja Sukmana, S.T., M.Sc, Ph.D. 

In his delivery, Mr. Yeka Hendra Fatika, S.P as Member of the Indonesian OMBUDSMAN explained that "The Indonesian OMBUDSMAN in the Law is labeled as a Public Service Institution Oversight Institution" Then, Mr. Yeka Hendra Fatika, S.P added "Potential Maladministration in export governance such as: Obstacles in importing raw materials, lack of government affirmation of export actors, and corrupt actions of service providers. Meanwhile, potential maladministration in import governance such as: disharmonious regulations , bottle necks in the licensing system, data integration is not yet optimal, corrupt actions by service providers." Obviously as a source.
At the end of the activity, there was a question regarding how to submit public service complaints to the OMBUDSMAN for people who experience maladministration. "That complaints can be submitted via the OMBUDSMAN website/social media while keeping the complainant's identity confidential." Said Mr Yeka.

Read more: Studium General “Messy Export Import Problems in Indonesia”

With today's general studium activities, it is hoped that all participants, both students/academics, can benefit from the role of the Indonesian OMBUDSMAN in preventing maladministration in import-export governance. The Master's Study Program and the Agribusiness Undergraduate Study Program held Studium General activities with the theme "Indonesia's Geopolitical Conditions and Their Impact on National Food Security"

The Master's Study Program and the Undergraduate Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Jakarta, have successfully held Studium General activities in the Theater Room, Floor. 2 Faculty of Science and Technology on Monday, 24 June 2024 by inviting resource person Lt. Gen. TNI Eko Margiono, M.A from the National Resilience Institute (Lemhanas). This institution is a non-ministerial institution under the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

In his delivery, Lieutenant General Eko Margiono, M.A as Deputy Governor of Lemhanas, said "Currently geopolitical ideas continue to develop following technological developments. Geopolitics in Indonesia cannot stand alone because it is related to regional geopolitics."

Then, Lieutenant General Eko Margiono added that the Bansos (Social Assistance) program could have an impact on national rice stocks and food prices. For example, social assistance programs, especially rice and basic food assistance, are used as a campaign tool to increase votes. This affects national rice stocks, showing a production deficit compared to consumption of 2.8 million tons in January and February 2024 respectively.

At the end of the material presentation, Lt. Gen. Eko Margiono, M.A recommended solutions to food security problems, one of which was through a policy breakthrough for the Food Estate program.

There was a question from one of the agribusiness students, namely "Food Estate does not yet look optimal, what solutions should be implemented so that this food estate can be implemented and will the agricultural mechanization system be able to create national food security?"

Responded by Lieutenant General Eko Margiono, M.A "If you want a food estate, it would be better to mechanize it, because the costs will be much cheaper. However, the problem at the moment is that many of our people are still unemployed and there are few job opportunities."

It can be concluded that Indonesia's geographical conditions have a significant impact on food security. Even though there are several challenges that must be faced, Indonesia has great potential to achieve food security. With continued efforts from the government and society, Indonesia can achieve strong and sustainable food security.

The hope of this Studium General activity is that all participants, both students/academics, can take advantage of geopolitical conditions and encourage the implementation of strategic steps to increase national food security, so that Indonesia can face global challenges more resiliently and responsively.