A total of 34 UIN Jakarta students passed the 2023 MoRA Overseas Student Mobility Awards (MOSMA) Non-Degree Scholarship selection. They were among 124 students from Islamic religious universities throughout Indonesia who were declared to have passed the selection and will study abroad for one semester.
In detail, 21 students went to universities in the United States, 9 students went to universities in Tunisia/Morocco, 2 students went to universities in Malaysia, and 1 student went to the UK. "This means that 63.6 percent of UIN Jakarta students who pass the 2023 MOSMA scholarship will carry out student mobility to universities in the United States, followed by Tunisia/Morocco with 27.3 percent," explained PLKI Chair, Maila Dinia Husni Rahiem, quoted from the uinjkt page. .ac.id, Thursday, 27 July 2023.
Details of students who were declared to have passed the MOSMA scholarship selection to United States universities, namely Rahima Fitri Maharani (S2 PBI, FITK), Isyraq Thariq Sanusi (S1 PBI, FITK), Aqillah Zahra Zhafira (S1 PBI, FITK), Satriya Juanda (S1, FU), and Jasmine Laksmi Dewi (S1 Psychology, F.Psi), Muhammad Alqi Fahrezi (S1 SI, FST), Raisha Najma Amalia (S1 IT, FST).
Next, Kresna Syah Hardiyanto (S1 Agribusiness, FST), Gianluigi Fahrezi (S1 Public Health, Fikes), Jasmine Agninsyira (Pharmacy, Fikes), Aisha Tara Athira (FISIP), Tresnaningsih Suwignyo (FISIP), Amirah Syahirah (FISIP), Nina Amalia (FISIP). So, Director of Islamic Religious Higher Education, Directorate General of Education, Ahmad Zainul Hamdi, said that prospective scholarship recipients would be contacted by the Indonesia Bangkit Scholarship Implementation Management Team. Students can be designated as scholarship recipients if they do not receive double funding while participating in the MOSMA Scholarship Program and are accepted at the destination country's university. (Sumber:https://www.medcom.id/pendidikan/news-pendidikan/nN9emxjN-selamat-34-mahasiswa-uin-jakarta-lolos-seleksi-beasiswa-mosma).