Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Lantai 3
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.95, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia - 15412

Agribusiness Study Program

Commemorating the 1st HARLAH IPARI.
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Commemorating the 1st HARLAH IPARI.

The Agribusiness Study Program Organizes Seminars and Training Activities Planting Plants at the Daar el Hikam Islamic Boarding School. Agribusiness Study Program The Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Jakarta, successfully held activities Plant Planting Training at the Daar el Hikam Islamic Boarding School with a theme "Environmental Preservation Through Sustainable Food Islamic Boarding School" on Friday, May 31 2024.

The Seminar and Training activities were held in collaboration with the Association Religious Counselors of the Republic of Indonesia in South Tangerang to Commemorate the 1st HARLAH IPARI. On In this activity, the Agribusiness study program also collaborates with HMJ Agribusiness UIN Jakarta, along with the UMJ Agribusiness Study Program. Collaboration between these institutions of course is a good collaboration to provide benefits to society.

This Community Service Activity carries the theme "Environmental Conservation Through the Sustainable Food Islamic Boarding School." The theme is intended for Islamic Boarding Schools able to independently prepare their food needs, especially vegetables. This is in line with the expertise possessed by lecturers in the Agribusiness study program, especially those scientific background in agrotechnology. Hopefully not just one Islamic boarding schools but there are many Islamic boarding schools in South Tangerang.