The Agribusiness Study Program (Prodi) of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) will produce its students into experts in the field of agribusiness who are ready to apply their knowledge in society. They are not just made into workers, but more than that are able to create jobs.
"We hope that with education that is more directed towards applied science, students will not only find it easy to find jobs, but will be able to create new jobs for other people," said Dr. Ir. Lilis Imamah Ichdayati, M.Si when interviewed by UINJKT Online in her office, Monday. (2/3/2009). The applied or practical knowledge taught by the Agribusiness Study Program to students includes Entrepreneurship, Marketing Research, Agricultural Commerce and Islamic Business Ethics. Some of these courses are important, because now society needs knowledge like this more to solve various problems faced by the Indonesian nation.
Last year the Agribusiness Study Program collaborated with Al-Fallah Islamic Boarding School in Pandeglang Banten to hold an Agribusiness Development Study Program. We develop the community by teaching them to grow organic rice on one hectare of land. This is done so that the community around the Islamic boarding school can develop organic rice, thus improving their economy. Through the Assisted Village, the Agribusiness Study Program can conduct research, making it easier for researchers, including students, to conduct research in the assisted village. In fact, there is one Agribusiness lecturer who has developed jatropha in the Balaraja Tangerang area funded by the Minister of Research and Technology. [Nif/Ed]