Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Lantai 3
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.95, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia - 15412

Agribusiness Study Program

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The Agribusiness Department Student Association (HMJ) is an executive body of student organizations, Faculty of Science and Technology, Jakarta State Islamic University. HMJ Agribusiness moves to accommodate Agribusiness students at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. HMJ Agribusiness has a management system consisting of a Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and several departments. Departments at HMJ Agribusiness include the student affairs department, organizational department, spiritual department, entrepreneurship department, communication and information department, research and development department, Interest, Talent and Creativity department, social community service department. Management in HMJ Agribusiness is assisted by the Management Advisory Board.

The Agribusiness Department Student Association (HMJ) is an executive body of student organizations at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Jakarta State Islamic University which was established on June 30 2012 as stipulated in the PU/PK HMJ Agribusiness CHAPTER II Article 2 and Article 3. HMJ Agribusiness operates to protect students Agribusiness at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. HMJ Agribusiness changed the structure of student organizations and transformed from BEM J Agribusiness to HMJ Agribusiness. The following is the transformation of the general chairman of HMJ Agribusiness UIN Jakarta:

BEM-J Agribisnis

  • Husnul (2000)
  • Kaswit (2001)
  • Suratno (2002)
  • Arfan (2003)
  • Fadlika (2004)
  • Aang (2005)
  • Angger (2006)
  • Tatag (2007)

HMJ Agribisnis

  • Jazil (2009)
  • Amin (2011)
  • Mualim (2012)
  • Ahadi (2013)
  • Azhar (2014)
  • Hasanu (2015)
  • Faqih (2016)
  • Sahid (2017)
  • Fadhil (2018)
  • M. Farhan Al Wahyub (2019)
  • M. Andhika Muslim Pratama (2021)