Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Lantai 3
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.95, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia - 15412

Agribusiness Study Program

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The agribusiness study program was established based on the decision:

Director General of Islamic Religious Institutions Number: DJ.II/216/2002 Dated 11 July 2002 with the name Agricultural Socioeconomic Study Program. Director General of Islamic Education Number: DJ.I/38/2010 Dated 29 January 2010 with the name Agribusiness Study Program. Study program accreditation has been carried out four times by BAN PT (National Accreditation Board for Higher Education), in 2006 Predicate B, in 2011 Predicate B, in 2016 Predicate A, in 2022 Predicate EXCELLENT.

The curriculum used in the learning process consists of: 2000 Curriculum, 2005 Curriculum, Competency Based Curriculum (2010 KBK), 2015 KKNI Curriculum, 2020 OBE Approach MBKM Curriculum. Graduates of the Agribusiness Study Program started attending graduations from 2004 until now.

In 2009 the Agribusiness Study Program spread its wings by establishing the Agribusiness Masters Program based on the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Education Number: DJ.I/594/2009 dated 10 October. Accreditation of the Agribusiness Masters Study Program was carried out by BAN PT (National Accreditation Board for Higher Education) in 2014 with a B predicate, then in 2018 a B predicate, in 2022 it was extended with a B predicate. Graduates of the Agribusiness Masters Study Program have attended graduation ceremonies from 2012 until now.